To get this example to run, you will need to copy the Data Origami Library rev 0.001 to C:\tmp (or modify the path to point to your location of choice).
Download Code to draw the spheres with different rings, segments and subsurface levels.
#BPY __doc__ = """ Sphere Subsurface Example Rev 1.0 This script demonstrates the effect of subsurface. This script depends on the Origami Library and expects it to be located at C:\tmp. This script is executed at the command line by:>blender -P subsurf_ex_XXXX.py""" __author__ = "edt" __version__ = "1.0 2009/08/03" __url__="Website, dataOrigami.blogspot.com" ############################################################## import sys # make sure a copy of OLib_001.py is at C:\tmp # add to the system path to point to the file to import sys.path.append("c:\\tmp") import OLib_001 as MyLib import Blender import Blender.Mathutils from Blender.Mathutils import * from Blender import * image = MyLib.Image('MyScene') image.lookFrom(3.5,3,15) image.lookAt(3.5,3,0) image.addText(text='UVSpheres with SubSurfaces',width=5,height=1, location=[5,6.5,0],align='MIDDLE') xList = range(0,10) ringList = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12] segmentList = ringList image.addText(text='Num Rings =',width=10,height=0.4, location=[-0.25,-0.75,0],align='RIGHT', color=[1.0,0.0,0.0]) ob=image.addText(text='Num SubSurfaces', width=20,height=0.4, location=[-1,3,0],align='MIDDLE', color=[0.0,1.0,0.0]) ob.setEuler(0,0,90*3.1415/180.0) for i in range(0,len(ringList)): rings = ringList[i] segments = segmentList[i] image.addText(text=str(rings),width=1,height=0.4, location=[xList[i],-0.75,0],align='MIDDLE', color=[1.0,0.0,0.0]) for subSurfLevel in range(0,7): # add a UVsphere UVSphereOb = image.addSphere(diameter=0.5,rings=rings, segments=segments,location=[xList[i],subSurfLevel,0]) mods = UVSphereOb.modifiers mod = mods.append(Modifier.Types.SUBSURF) # add a new subsurf modifier mod[Modifier.Settings.LEVELS] = subSurfLevel # set subsurf subdivision levels to 3 image.addText(text=str(subSurfLevel),width=1,height=0.4, location=[-0.5,subSurfLevel-0.2,0],align='RIGHT', color=[0.0,1.0,0.0]) image.save('SubSurfaceExample.jpg')
To copy the code snippets easily, see:http://dataorigami.blogspot.com/2009/06/how-to-easily-copy-code-snippets-from.html
To execute the script in Blender, see:http://dataorigami.blogspot.com/2009/06/how-to-execute-script-from-command-line.html
To work with the script in a simple IDE, see:http://dataorigami.blogspot.com/2009/04/developing-scripts-for-blender.html
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